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What is ESCCA?
Watch our video! 

The Clothing Donation Bin

(2024/2025 school year)


Thank you for your generous clothing donations. 

We are running low on the following sizes: 

children sizes 6, 7, & 8

adult sizes XL, XXL, XXXL

Please see donation guidelines for further information.


Please consider a monetary donation to fund new clothing and shoes
that we purchase for our D65 children or
buy something directly from our Amazon Wish List.

Clothing donations can be dropped in the ESCCA bin behind the JEH building (1500 McDaniel St.)

Please see clothing donation guidelines for all items we can take.

Find the Spanish version HERE.

Thank you in advance for your donations. We are looking forward to continuing to serve the community!

Evanston School Children’s Clothing Association (ESCCA) provides school clothing for all Evanston/Skokie District 65 K-8th grade school children in need. Each year we provide a full wardrobe of clothing and shoes for FREE. Our clothing assistance services are performed efficiently and discreetly and always keep the dignity of the families in mind.

ESCCA is an all-volunteer organization. We rely on many District 65 parents and other volunteers who donate their time to ESCCA. We also depend on our community for financial support, and receive monetary donations from District 65 PTAs and parents, community members, foundations and other organizations. District 65 also generously provides us with support in the form of in-kind donations of space and services.

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